Boinke Bill is a ball of knowledge. While he bounces around, he can answer any question that is asked of him.
Baggy Maggy she is without a doubt
America's Favorite Bag Lady...
Rag-A-Muffin is a purple cat who always wears a rag on her tail. She is very crafty and she can find clues to solve science dilemmas.
The Mayor of Stinkville is in the first book, Baggy Maggy and Friends Save Stinkville. He is a concerned Mayor who needs Baggy Maggy's help to clean up his city and educate his townspeople about pollution.
Trish The Trashcan is a glamorous trash can who sparkles all the time. She loves clean streets.
Officer Joe is the chief police officer of Baggy Maggyville. He informs Baggy Maggy when a science problem needs to be solved.
Christina and James are twins who live in Baggy Maggyville. They joined Baggy Maggy and her team to help solve Science mysteries.